South Particular Council
The South Particular Council oversees the five conferences south of the North Saskatchewan River in Edmonton
and also Leduc, Red Deer & Drayton Valley.
Council President : Rick Bourbonniere
Assumption Conference
This conference:
serves the area of 100 St., east to the city limits and south from the river to Whitemud Drive.
is affiliated with Assumption Parish at 9040 95 Avenue, Edmonton, and Resurrection Parish at 10555 - 50A Street, Edmonton
meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.
Conference President: Nora Parker
St. Theresa Conference
This conference:
serves the area of 100 St. east to the city limits and south from Whitemud Drive to the city limits.
is affiliated with St. Theresa Parish at 7508 29 Avenue, Edmonton and Corpus Christi Parish at 2707 34 Street, Edmonton
meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month.
Conference President: Sylvianne Perry
Divine Mercy Conference
This conference:
serves the area south of the river from 100 Street (north of Whitemud Dr.) and Gateway Blvd. (south of Whitemud Dr.), west to the river, then south from the river to the Edmonton City limits.
is affiliated with:
St. Agnes Parish at 10826 62 Avenue, Edmonton
St. Anthony's Parish at 10661 82 Avenue, Edmonton
St. Thomas More Parish at 210 Haddow Close, Edmonton, and
St. Joseph's College at University of Alberta
meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month.
Conference President: Maria Kelly
St. Frère André Bessette Conference
This conference:
works in conjunction with Assumption
serves the are of 100 Street east to the city limits and south from the river to Whitemud Drive
Assists with home visits anywhere needing a French-speaking home visitor.
Delivers furniture but Assumption delivers household items. Assumption makes the home visits.
is affiliated with St. Thomas d'Aquin Parish at 8410-89 Street
meets every last Monday of the month
Conference Acting President: Rita Hebert
St. Michael Conference (Leduc)
This conference:
serves the communities south of Edmonton - Leduc, Beaumont, Devon, Thorsby, New Sarepta, Millet, Wetaskiwin and Ponoka.
is affiliated with St. Michael's Parish at 5105 45A St, Leduc
meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.
Conference President: Linda Wan
St. Katharine Conference (Red Deer)
This conference:
serves the City of Red Deer.
is affiliated with Sacred Heart Parish - 5508-48A Ave; St. Mary's Parish - 6 MacMillan Ave; St. Vladimir's Parish - 3932-46 St.
meets first Wednesday of the month for general meeting and every Monday evening for home visit meetings.
Conference President: Carol Purves
Drayton Valley Conference
serves Drayton Valley
Conference President: Michael Linner