West Particular Council
The West Particular Council oversees the five conferences west of 100 St to the Edmonton City limits and from Yellowhead Trail south to the river.
Council President: Vacant
Annunciation / Mother Teresa Conference
This conference:
serves the area south of 111 Avenue to Whitemud Drive and east of 178 Street to 163 Street, excluding Patricia Heights
is affiliated with Annunciation Parish at 9420 163 St, Edmonton
Conference President: David Fitzgerald
Good Shepherd Conference
This conference:
170 street west to city limit, and from 111 Ave., south to the river, including Westridge, Wolf Willow and Oleskiw. Good Shepherd takes teleconnect/email requests for Annunication
is affiliated with Good Shepherd Parish at 18407 60 Avenue, Edmonton
Conference President: Kim McLennan-Robbins
St. Andrew Conference
This conference:
serves the area of 100 St., west to the City limits and 111 Ave, north to the Yellowhead Trail
is affiliated with St. Andrew Parish at 11107 129 St, Edmonton
Conference President: Janet MacLellan
St. John / Holy Spirit Conference
This conference:
serves the area 163 St., east to 124 St., and 111 Ave, south to the river including all of Patricia Heights
is affiliated with St. John the Evangelist Parish at 9830 148 St, Edmonton
Conference President: Marie Owen
St. Joseph's Basilica Conference
This conference:
serves the area of 100 St., west to 124 St. and 111 Ave, south to the river
is affiliated with St. Joseph's Basilica Parish at 10044 113 St, Edmonton
Conference President: Dan Dunnigan